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Presentation Structure

  1. The Problem
    1. Not able to achieve the goals you set
    2. Struggling with the ups and downs of running a business
    3. Overwhelmed with work
    4. Working long hours, but does not seem to be achieving your goals
    5. Challenges balance work, life, and health
  2. Agitation
    1. Depression and unable to get out of a hole
    2. Poor family relationships, and for me it was missing my son’s first steps,
    3. Lack of deep personal connections
    4. Poor health
  3. Why this is a problem?
    1. As a leader there are already too many things going on in your brain, way more than what we as humans were built to process and remember.
    2. Compounded by social media, internet, and a fat information diet, that gives a exec an equivalent of a heart attack in decision-making: overloaded, sluggish, and struggling to process what truly matters.
    3. In addition with AI technology, it is now harder to maintain your edge in tech, and 3x harder to determine what information is real, relevant or reliably actionable.
    4. As humans we are not built to handle so much information, and also not built to lead such large groups of people
    5. And so we try to do a lot, but just like any military offensive, if you are spread out too thin, and not focused on one spot, you fail from lack of strategic focus. Napoleon was a master at aggregait focus onto one single spot.
    6. But do you know what his downfall was? He was in such bad physical shape and fitness because he worked too much and did not care about his body, and lost because he could not mentally nor physically keep up. His rule became the bloated, slow autocracy that he originally swore to defeat.
  4. The Dream
    1. You achieve your business goals
    2. You can manage your mind games that is trying to stop you from succeeding
    3. You do the things you have passion for and the people you love.
    4. You are able to manage all aspects of your work, personal, and home life.
  5. What is success? What I learned reading through 50 biographies
    1. I went through and studied all the greats, Warrent Buffet, Michael Jordan, Steve Jobs
    2. Table stakes
      1. Hard work, and being a killer in what you do, grit, enthusiasm, diligence
        1. Quote from Michel Jordan
      2. Able to get through the ups and downs
        1. Quote from Michel Jordan
    3. The X factor
      1. Doing what no one else is doing
        1. Reading through the manual and all the boring documents - Sam Parr / Shaan Puri
        2. Researching what other people are doing all the time - Sam Walton - Walmart
        3. List out what people are doing, and dont do it - Steve Jobs - Apple
      2. Long term vision strategies could take years to build - Hans Lidorf - Rolex
      3. Meeting the right people
        1. Change your trajectory by being in a different place to meet someone that will change your lift
        2. Quote from Walt Disney
      4. Being lucky
  6. Solution
    1. My goal is to elevate 10K founders, I am in the business of elevating founders by helping them reach new heights through learning, gaining perspective changing insights, and meeting the right people. But you can only do this, if you can have the mental and time capacity to do this, and not working on the minutiae of the business that other people can do for you.
    2. Our approach
      1. We view the modern Exec as a performance athlete
        1. Long stretches of high cognitive and physical performance, and the need to maintain your peak-prime performance, for the longest period of time
        2. But unlike athletes who have off-seasons to recover, Execs barely have time to recover, this leads to lack of reflection, unable to grow, unhealthy habits, and burn out, you become stuck
        3. How can you organize your life for long term performance and maximized recovery
      2. How to trick your mind to perform even higher
      3. Focus on your unique competitive advantage
  7. Let me show you step by step
    1. Focus on your unique competitive advantage - The Process
      1. Clarify goals

      2. Identify gaps and challenges

      3. Identify what you most enjoy doing and what you hate doing

      4. Identify your unique differentiation and Zone of Genius / Ikigai

        1. https://www.incrementa.ca/how-to-discover-your-zone-of-genius/
        2. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jo-robertson-46b6247a_zoneofgenius-corporatecoaching-lifecoaching-activity-7086993003688443905-eFsD/
        3. https://www.peopleatheartcoaching.com/finding-your-ikigai


      5. Introducing the Circular Zones of Life

        1. Genius (unique differentiation)
        2. Leadership, management, HR
        3. Growth/selling
        4. Ops and Admin
        5. Personal / Family
        6. Focus on your unique tasks that give you your competitive edge, delegate everything else
      6. How much time are you spending on non-ZOE Worksheet

        1. Time spent on non-ZOE activities
        2. What is the value of each hour of your day
          1. How to find the value of an hour
            • Direct Revenue Generation: Calculate the average revenue generated per hour from sales or billable services.
            • Cost Savings: Estimate the savings achieved per hour through efficiency improvements or cost reduction initiatives.
            • Average Employee Cost: Determine the hourly cost of employing staff, including salary, benefits, and overhead.
            • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Evaluate the hourly contribution to CLV by considering the average revenue generated by a customer over their relationship with your business.
            • Market Rate for Consulting: Research and use the average hourly rate for consulting services in your industry as a benchmark for valuing your strategic time.
        3. Total the time value you could gain
    2. How to trick your mind into performing even better
    3. How to be an Executive Athlete?
      1. Surround yourself with an orbit of advisors, peers, and coaches.
      2. Most importantly you need to have a well trained Executive Assistant or Chief of Staff to manage your life. Without this, you cannot get to the next level
  8. You can try to figure out the whole process yourself, or we can help you get it done entirely
    1. Do it yourself
    2. Done for you

For example XXXX