“Hey, I’m going to publish this blog post on Friday unless I hear from you with another plan.”

Don't be a gunho rambo, be an enlightened warrior - George and Karl



Saving costs when no one is using Confluence and saving the company money! - Luis Zaguni!


The Thoughtful Exterminator:

With the rate of change at Remo being roughly on par with

it was inevitable that at least a few bugs would slip into the platform. Developing a system to quickly address these issues has not been easy given the distributed nature of our team and user-base.  By setting up PagerDuty to notify on-call engineers of critical issues, and further refining the rotation to simultaneously include engineers from multiple timezones, @Gnyanendra Nath took thoughtful action to reduce the workload of individual on call engineers, while also creating accountability for stakeholders that these bugs are handled responsibly.